Hair and Beauty Salon Survey
Our popular hair jobs and beauty salon survey is here and it’s here in perfect time for your feedback.
Time for a haircut! Or even a nail manicure.
We are a couple of months into the reopening of the hair salons and we thought it was a good time to conduct our “Back To Salon” survey to find out what has been going on in hair and beauty salons in London.
The hair and beauty industry has been saying hello to it’s clients again, starting in July for hair salons and then later in August for beauty salons.
Needless to say, for many salons, it’s been wonderful to be able to offer haircuts and hair styling again, albeit with certain measures in place, such gloves, PPE face masks and face shields. However, due to the unique situation that we have all faced, some important questions remain in the in hair and beauty industry and this is what we are exploring in our salon survey.
Are We Ready?
The industry firmly puts out the welcome mat.
Owners and hairdressers, owners and beauty therapists are all back in the salons and have prepared the salons as per the Government guidelines.
Face masks are now a requirement for all staff and clients whilst in a hairdressing salon and barbers.
However, face screens are more convenient for hair and beauty staff. Clear plastic face visors provide a barrier between your face and your client. For this reason, they have been named as an official requirement for hairdressers and barbers who cannot maintain the full 2 metre social distance during any treatment or service.
Are Clients Ready To Get Back Into The Salons?
There have been an explosion of home haircuts and shaved heads and beards over the last few months. Some of that has not been pretty.
With a return to office work increasingly back on the on the horizon, a return to tidier hairstyles and nail and eyebrows could be back in our minds.
Are Clients Following The PPE Guidlines When Entering Your Hair and Beauty Salon?
Our survey covers three areas:
- PPE Measures
What PPE measures have you put in place?
2) Salon Footfall
Has salon footfall recovered? If not, what is the % footfall versus last year?
3) Salon Staffing
Are you staff furloughed?
Are your staff self employed?
What % of each has now returned to work?
4) Client Adherence To Risk Reduction
What % of clients wear a face mask?
What % of clients use hand sanitiser?
What % of clients adhere to the no or minimal chatting rule?
We look forward to sharing our survey results with you soon.
Rose Hadley London Recruitment
ps. Want to find out more about how Rose Hadley London can help you develop your career as a beauty therapist? Or a develop your career as a hairdresser?
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