MAY 25TH 2020.
Hi Hair and Beauty world!
This week has offered less activity in the domain of hair and beauty recruitment but there have been some strong, positive interactions with hair and beauty salon owners. The general overview from these conversations –
- Salon owners feel confident the footfall will return and customer retention will be high.
- The salon owners are taking practical, pragmatic measures within the work space to ensure the safety of their staff and their clients.
- They are in regular contact with their hair and beauty clients and their hair and beauty staff.
- They are constantly monitoring government and industry guidelines.
- Longer hours, split shifts, opening 7 days per week are options being considered.
- They are taking active measures to prepare their hair and beauty team for reopening.
- Most plan to open hair and beauty columns around mid June for a July 4 start.
The overwhelming sense I am left with after each and every conversation with a hair and beauty salon owner, barbershop owner or medi clinic owner is one of responsible action and staff/ client safety being of absolute paramount importance, despite the financial pressure this crisis has imposed on them.
Hair styling, hair cutting, hair colouring services and every beauty service will be as good as pre lockdown for sure and the feel of the experience may be dramatically different but I can say with confidence, this industry is stepping up!
Be well, stay safe.
Rose Hadley
ps. Want to find out more about how Rose Hadley London can help you develop your career as a hairdresser? Or a develop your career as a Beauty therapist?
Read more here.
Or call us. Tel. 0207 584 1990
Next update – June 1st.